Watch Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 24 English & Urdu Subtitles Free

Watch Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 2 English & Urdu Subtitles Free

Kudus Fateh Selahaddin Eyyubi Episode 23 Synopsis

In the episode 23 of “Salahuddin Eyyubi,” Saladin arrives in Gaza with Karategin and fellow Border Ghazis to kidnap Bloody Bernald. However, he falls into the trap of Bloody Bernard, who explodes there. Saladin makes a plan with Carra Teigen to get Bloody Bernard out of the city and surrounds him in the forest. Salahuddin is arrested and taken to Sultan Nur-ud-Din, who threatens to kill his son in front of Sultan Noor-ud-Din. Salahuddin obeys Sultan Nur-ud-Din, stating that they will not shed the blood of Muslim brothers.

Sultan Nur-ud-Din asks Salahuddin to pledge allegiance to him and kill his son. Salahuddin is arrested along with his accomplices and taken to his tribe. Bloody Bernard is angry to learn that Malik Daulat has not killed Salahuddin and the war has not even started. He tells his tribe about the wah agreement reached with Sultanuddin, claiming that he did all this under a plan to destroy the war plan and the Queen.

Salahuddin escapes from the tribe according to his plan, and all soldiers and malik run towards the forest behind him. Kara Tegan Malik burns the siege equipment of wealth to escape. Salahuddin’s soldiers attack him, and Salahuddin nearly captures Bloody Bernald. However, unknown people enter the area with swords, and Salahuddin finds out that these people are traitors of the country and saved the enemy from their hands. Sultan Nur-ud-Din becomes angry and forbids Sultan Nooruddin from speaking to his brother.

Sultan Nooruddin’s mother forbids Sultan Nooruddin from speaking to his brother, and Malik goes to Meudud to ask about treason. Salahuddin Malik escapes from Isqalan and takes refuge in Gaza with Khooni Bernard, creating chaos in Sultan Nur-ud-Din’s army. The audience sees Salahuddin capture Malik Daulat’s son, but the bloody Bernard tries to save or kill him according to Salahuddin’s plan.

In the end, Salahuddin Malik arrests Meyudud and takes him away, but the bloody Bernard falls into Salahuddin’s trap, ending the episode.

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